About Boys Republic
Since 1907, Boys Republic has worked with one of society’s least served, yet most socially significant populations, troubled teenagers. During the teenage years, survivors of childhood abuse, abandonment, serious family dysfunction, or other trauma, reach a transitional phase in their lives. They begin maturation into adulthood, but they are primed to fail.
By the time they are referred to Boys Republic through the juvenile court system, most teens are significantly behind in their education, have become self-destructive in their personal habits, and are under-socialized in their attitudes and acts. The majority come with histories of previous unsuccessful placement in foster homes, other residential agencies, or both.
Positioned as a "last chance" program before incarceration, Boys Republic and its counterpart Girls Republic, have a remarkable track record of success in transforming the lives of young individuals. Built on the principles of personal responsibility and self-respect, the nationally recognized Boys Republic program offers students a comprehensive high school education, diverse vocational training, extensive professional guidance, and most importantly, meaningful work experiences that enable them to learn the value of earning their own way. Rather than succumbing to a future of social dependence, long-term placement, or even incarceration, these children graduate back into society equipped with the right mindset, education, and skills to become responsible and contributing members of their communities.
Students who have successfully completed Boys Republic programs are offered comprehensive aftercare services in order to facilitate a smooth transition back into the community. The Aftercare Program is designed to provide guidance, education, and various forms of scholarship support to graduates, with the aim of eliminating any potential obstacles that may impede their future success.
Recently, Boys Republic formalized an additional program that assists deserving graduates by continuing their training in skills for independence. Called the Apprenticeship Program, it creates paid, entry-level positions for graduates to acquire good work habits and specific job skills that prepare them for meaningful employment. At the Boys Republic main Chino Hills campus, young men and women can become apprentices in the bakery, kitchen, or 200-acre farm and grounds. Apprentices train on the job and acquire real-world work experience so they can earn their own way in the community.
Boys Republic's Philosophy
Over a century of finding better ways to help at-risk youth has convinced Boys Republic that teenagers thrive on responsibility. Here are four cornerstones of the philosophy that sets Boys Republic apart from other youth-serving agencies.
At Boys Republic, they make every effort to avoid relieving youth of the responsibility and burden of making decisions and managing their own lives. They require them to be accountable for their behavior, their attitudes, and even their mistakes, and they, in turn, will act responsibly. Boys Republic strives to set clear expectations and provide relevant learning opportunities so troubled teens will develop the skills and outlook to become contributing, self-reliant members of our communities.
The Group Is the Target of Change
At Boys Republic, student government and daily group counseling provide the forum within which troubled youth may experience the challenges and rewards of responsible living. Conventional values flourish in a setting where students can openly examine their behavior and have an active voice in determining the norms by which they live.
Earning Self-Esteem Through Personal Accomplishment
Self-esteem is not something which can simply be therapeutically prescribed, it is earned one accomplishment at a time. Through instruction and practical application, Boys Republic youth follow a structured program of learning opportunities in academics, work experience, student government and group interaction. Each personal accomplishment is an important step earned toward responsible adulthood and self-reliance.
Nothing Without Labor
Boys Republic’s motto is “Nothing Without Labor.” Their goal is to teach disadvantaged teenagers good work habits, which are essential for successful employment. Punctuality, cooperativeness with others, diligence, care for tools and equipment, and the ability to take direction from a supervisor are all habits that may be transferred from Boys Republic to any job in the community. These habits are reinforced in multiple vocational training environments so that soft skills combine with specific training and instruction to make Boys Republic graduates an asset to any employer.
Boys Republic Programs
Main Campus
Boys Republic’s main residential treatment center campus is located in Chino Hills, California. Students live in cottages of 25 residents, within an open and sprawling 200 acre farm and school. The self-contained campus offers multidisciplinary treatment for teenagers in need of highly structured supervision. The young residents are kept busy with an on-grounds high school, vocational preparedness and work experience programs, athletics, and the famous Boys Republic student government leadership training.
Day Treatment & Early Intervention
Intensive day treatment provides at-risk youth with an educational program, supervised after-school activities, transportation to and from school, and family counseling. Youth continue to live at home while engaging in an intensive daily treatment program designed to address the issues that have created problems for them at home, school and in the community. Research has shown that Boys Republic's day treatment programs function as effectively as residential placement, at less than one-third the cost, while maximizing family and community engagement.
Community Based Residential Treatment Facilities
Community based satellite programs are ideal for students who can benefit from 24-hour supervision and treatment while in a smaller, less-restrictive setting. These programs, located in the communities of Santa Ana, Los Angeles and Pomona, each accommodate eight to ten boys. Girls Republic, in Monrovia, has a capacity of eight girls. All provide the same broad array of services as Boys Republic’s main campus program in a smaller community based residential treatment setting.
There are many challenges facing the troubled young people of Boys Republic and Girls Republic. One of the most difficult challenges is the transition home – either to parents and family, or to life on their own. The task of finding a job, an apartment, enrolling in school, or family problems can place a graduating student at risk of failure.
During students’ first twelve months after graduation, Boys Republic provides students with Aftercare Program services. A few of the elements of the program include community resource counseling, aftercare assistance rewards, family reunification counseling, and medical and dental care.
Transitional Housing
Transitional housing is for adults ages 18-21 who have completed Boys Republic’s Independent Living Program (ILP), and are willing to abide by apartment guidelines. The purpose of the program is to provide an opportunity for Boys Republic graduates to live in a subsidized apartment setting while practically applying life skills, gaining job experience, and completing a vocational training program.
Independent Living
Success is earned. This simple truth provides the foundation for many of Boys Republic’s programs. But nowhere is it more closely practiced than in the agency’s Independent Living Program. Many youth in placement – particularly those without strong family and community ties – are not prepared for the sudden transition to adulthood. They often lack the knowledge or self-assurance to perform such survival tasks as applying for a job, leasing an apartment, or managing a budget.
The Independent Living Program (ILP) at Boys Republic provides youth approaching adulthood with the skills they need to function on their own. Through instruction and practical application, youth follow a graduated series of real-life challenges. Each success is an important step toward acquiring the skills and attitudes to become self-reliant.
Vocational Program
Boys Republic has multiple vocational programs to help youth develop the skills they need to succeed. These programs include a student bakery, landscaping, culinary classes, and masonry classes. These classes prepare students for entry-level positions in their field of choice.
Boys Republic + Exym EHR Software
Boys Republic has been an Exym customer for many years. David Palmer of Boys Republic has been pleased with the dependability of Exym, saying it "has allowed us to put the focus on the youth we serve.”
Exym is proud to offer reliable, dependable software that supports the important mission of agencies like Boys Republic.
We also asked Dave what he would tell other agencies who are considering Exym. He said,
“Exym has been a reliable EHR for us with friendly customer service. We have appreciated the effort Exym has put into being at the forefront of innovation in the industry and helping to keep us informed and prepared for the ever-changing world of health management.”
-David Palmer, Boys Republic
Exym is a comprehensive EHR software solution designed specifically for behavioral health agencies. Trusted for 20+ years, our intuitive and customizable software empowers providers to improve client outcomes, manage revenue cycles, and increase agency efficiency. Exym allows you to spend more time on what matters most- the clients in your care.
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May 30, 2023