About Helpline Youth Counseling
Helpline Youth Counseling, Inc. (HYC) has been empowering children, youth, and families since 1971. With a client-centered approach focused on strengths and a trauma-informed philosophy, their comprehensive range of services includes counseling, education, prevention, early intervention, and treatment.
They are dedicated to helping at-risk individuals and families, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, heal from various forms of trauma such as child abuse, family and domestic violence, substance use, family functioning challenges, and homelessness. Helpline Youth Counseling services vulnerable populations impacted by disparities in access to health care and community services in Southeast Los Angeles County and the City of Long Beach.
Helpline Youth Counseling Provided Critical Community Services During the Pandemic
During the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Helpline Youth Counseling went above and beyond to support individuals and families in need of community services. In addition to their vital clinical services for emotional well-being, they extended their efforts to address food and housing insecurity, ensuring that families had access to basic necessities like rent and utility assistance. They have also played a crucial role in providing information and resources related to COVID testing, vaccination, and overall health.
Through the California COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program, Helpline Youth Counseling requested $1,575,821 in rent relief funds, and received $654,814 in critically needed rent relief. This money was disbursed to 170 low-income households to help them avoid eviction from the beginning of the pandemic, through December of 2021.
The Helpline Youth Counseling Mission
The mission of Helpline Youth Counseling (HYC) is to help build individual, family, and community health, well-being, prosperity, and equity. HYC serves clients and community members with trauma-informed, strength-based prevention, early intervention, education, and treatment services.
Mental Health Services
Helpline Youth Counseling provides evidence-based, trauma-informed, individual, family, and group mental health services in their offices, on school campuses, in community locations and in client homes. They deliver compassionate care to children, youth, and adults with mental health disorders, dual diagnoses, and trauma histories. Helpline Youth Counseling utilizes Los Angeles County-approved evidence-based practices including:
- Seeking Safety
- Interpersonal Therapy for Depression
- Nurturing Parenting
- Triple P Parenting
- Aggression Replacement Training
- Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Child Parent Psychotherapy
- Managing and Adapting Practices
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Matrix Model for Youth
- Towards No Drugs
- Botvin’s Life Skills Training
- Crisis Oriented Recovery Services.
Family Services
Helpline Youth Counseling's Family Services programs deliver intake, assessment, counseling, education, individualized case management, and linkage to comprehensive community services resources. HYC's goals include improving family functioning, strengthening the family system, reducing child abuse and neglect, increasing child safety, and building protective factors within families. In the 2019-2020 fiscal year, HYC continued the Promotora Program as a component of in-home Family Preservation services, with plans to expand this program to augment additional HYC Family Services programs. Promotoras provide culturally-based mental health support to caregivers to reduce mental health stigma, improve family coping skills, and link families with accessible community services.
“I see this building every morning on the way to work and every evening on my way home and not a day goes by that I am not grateful for the the women that attend the groups and the counselors that run them. To an outsider, you may not understand the amount of strength it takes to pick yourself up and attend these groups. On the days you wish the ground could just swallow you up because you crave peace. When you’re trying to put yourself together while at the same time everything is falling apart. These groups are a haven.”
- Survivor of Domestic Violence
Community Services & Housing Support Programs
In their Community Services Programs, Helpline Youth Counseling works with at-risk and high-risk youth and their family members. This includes youth who are on probation, or at risk of justice system involvement, who need to build life skills, practice pro-social behaviors, and discover constructive alternatives to delinquency. HYC program staff serve as positive adult role models, give youth one-on-one attention, and establish a climate of safety and trust for youth and families. Their Homeless and Housing Support Program delivers one-on-one street outreach and coordinated housing and service interventions for homeless individuals and families living on the streets in: Vernon, Bell, Bell Gardens, Commerce, Cudahy, Huntington Park, Maywood and South Gate, with the goal of achieving permanent housing stability.
Substance Use Services
The Helpline Youth Counseling Substance Abuse Education and Treatment Program provides direct outpatient substance abuse counseling to youth (ages 12-17) and adults and their family members. HYC is also contracted to provide Drug Medi-Cal outpatient substance treatment services. Through these services, HYC assists youth in their local communities and school districts to address substance use issues, access care, and attain sobriety. HYC provides direct individual, group, and family counseling, crisis intervention, urinalysis testing, and case management services for clients and their family members impacted by substance use. For participants in need of residential treatment services and other community services, Helpline Youth Counseling maintains an extensive network of partner organizations to which they refer as needed.
Hear what one Helpline Youth Counseling client has to say about the community services she received.
“My accomplishments through the Empowerment Program have included getting help in order to become a stronger person and help others in my community. I was able to graduate a year early because I learned that staying out of trouble and becoming a better person, who is kind and responsible, will prepare me for my future and help me stay on track in life.
Because of all of the support from HYC Staff and the many guest speakers I have been introduced to, I have stayed off of probation, out of jail, and off drugs- which has changed my life around. There has been love and kindness shared through the Empowerment Program and I feel like the program and people have changed me for better.”
-Quote from an 18-year-old female client
Helpline Youth Counseling & Exym Behavioral Health EHR Software
Exym EHR software is proud to support Helpline Youth Counseling and their mission by providing reliable, customizable EHR software that keeps their data safe and secure. Here's what Helpline Youth Counseling has to say about Exym's software features and how they help their organization.
“Exym has supported HYC programming in various ways. The data and information we compile from Exym reports and downloads has provided HYC with valuable information to assist our department managers in analyzing and reporting accurate demographic data, which in turn, has assisted with identifying where to conduct outreach and engagement.
We have used the Exym reports to monitor our productivity and client caseloads to better assist us to meet our programmatic outcomes and goals. Reviewing client information, treatment plans, and forms is simple to do with the intuitive user-interface that Exym has created- allowing our staff to spend more time with their clients.”
-Jeff Farber, Executive Director of Helpline Youth Counseling
Exym Provides Superior Service & Customer Support Every Step of the Way
When agencies work with Exym, they can expect white glove customer success, support, and training. Organizations don't have to struggle to implement new behavioral health EHR software anymore. Exym's experts work with you to customize the software to meet your needs, streamline your processes, and save you time and money. Learn more on our Behavioral Health Providers Page, or listen directly to what Jeff Farber has to say:
“Exym has been a huge support in assisting our agency to provide multiple programs, and meet our outcome goals, while utilizing one EHR. Exym’s customer service has been supportive and responsive to our needs on numerous occasions.
While many companies were struggling during the pandemic, Exym’s customer service response time was quick and prompt. Exym’s reliability and responsiveness gives us comfort and confidence to take on new projects knowing that our client data, documentation, and billing is timely and accurate.”
-Jeff Farber, Executive Director of Helpline Youth Counseling
Would you like to support Helpline Youth Counseling and the important work they’re doing? Click the button below to volunteer or donate!
Exym is a comprehensive EHR software solution designed specifically for behavioral health agencies. Trusted for 20+ years, our intuitive and customizable software empowers providers to improve client outcomes, manage revenue cycles, and increase agency efficiency. Exym allows you to spend more time on what matters most- the clients in your care.
Book a demo today and find out how much better your behavioral health EHR software can be!

May 30, 2023