Thank you for attending Making the Most of Your EHR, featuring Jennifer Cárdenas, LCSW of Cárdenas Consulting Group. Please enjoy the replay video of our webinar on EHR best practices, and consider sharing it with those who would find it helpful.
View the EHR Best Practices Webinar Slides in the Link Below:
Making the Most of Your EHR Webinar Slides
About Exym Mental Health EHR Software
Exym is a comprehensive EHR software solution designed specifically for behavioral health agencies. Trusted for 20+ years, our intuitive and customizable software empowers providers to improve client outcomes, manage revenue cycles, and increase agency efficiency. Exym allows you to spend more time on what matters most- the clients in your care.
Visit our page for Behavioral Health Providers to learn more about Exym's mental health EHR software and how it can help agencies like yours. You can also book a demo here and speak to a live expert who can answer all of your questions.

May 30, 2023