In recent times, EHR data analytics have been receiving a lot of attention, and it's safe to say that this trend is here to stay. The significance of the client information that your staff gathers, generates, and stores cannot be overlooked. It plays a crucial role in guiding decisions related to treatment plans, tracking and reporting progress, and overall operation management.
How EHR Data Benefits Operation Management
The information collected from clients through EHR software holds a significance that goes beyond simple recordkeeping. With an increase in data within your system, the analytics derived from your behavioral health EHR software database become even more valuable. Agencies of all sizes should recognize the advantages of regularly analyzing this information, and how this information can help you streamline operation management.
The treasure trove of information being stored in your EHR can be used to inform business and treatment decisions, which can also dramatically affect the daily operations of your agency. When you use EHR data analytics, you can manage your agency more effectively which leads to better client outcomes and a healthier business model.
Essential EHR Data Questions to Enhance Operation Management
The following is a list of questions you may want to consider analyzing with your behavioral health EHR software to optimize operations for your agency:
- What is the average Length of Stay of Clients by program, location, funding source, or EBP?
- How impactful is staff turnover on reduced payments?
- What trends do we see in long term employees and the care they provide to clients?
- How do clients improve over time within specific programs? Are some programs more impactful than others?
- What is the general cost of providing services to clients based on primary diagnosis?
- Are clients satisfied with the services they receive?
- Which clients are less likely to have symptom reduction when telehealth services are provided? Is it age based, diagnosis based, or living arrangement based?
- How do referral rates change throughout the year?
- What is our highest client demographic group? Are we adequately addressing their needs through culturally relevant practices?
- Which demographic group has the highest return rate and needs additional supports?
All behavioral health EHR software platforms should be able to answer these questions, but unfortunately not all of them have that capability. Exym can answer these questions, and much more, in our Exym Analytics module.
Exym’s Analytic module delivers industry-leading visualization capabilities that are fully integrated with client data. Our EHR data helps agencies build their own dashboards and reports, mining the information that is most meaningful to them. This allows Exym customers to make impactful, data-driven decisions that maximize benefits to their clients and their daily operation management.
Examples of EHR Data That Streamlines Agency Operations
A common inquiry that agencies often have is, "What is the time frame for note approval after a service has been provided?" Thankfully, Exym Analytics provides an easy solution to this question, allowing agencies to identify areas, or departments, that may require additional support in order to expedite the approval process for notes.
Another question that agencies ask is “How long after a service is completed does it take to receive payments from a specific payer?” This information can be easily pulled from EHR data and can be useful for cash flow planning, identifying potential issues and financial troubleshooting.
Sometimes agencies need a single quick number like “What percentage of clients are currently unhoused or have experiencing homelessness?” This valuable information can be easily extracted from your EHR data and can assist in uncovering potential grants or funding opportunities that your agency may be eligible for. Additionally, it can aid in assessing the needs of your clients when developing new programs and daily business operations.
Exym Analytics captures demographic data that can provide valuable insights into whether the cultural needs of clients are being met. For example, you may need to increase staff diversity or provide trainings on cultural practices for a specific demographic in order to provide the most beneficial care . This information can greatly influence agency operations like hiring decisions, budgeting for trainings, increasing service locations, etc.
Revolutionize Operational Management with Data-Driven Decisions
In the fields of mental and behavioral health, it has long been emphasized that making decisions based on data and research is essential for providing quality care to clients. With the current emphasis on measuring client outcomes, it is now even more crucial for agencies to embrace behavioral health EHR software and data analytics to inform their decision-making processes. Exym Analytics and EHR data can:
- Easily advance your reporting by creating customized data visualizations and dashboards directly within Exym.
- Develop custom reports and visuals to demonstrate outcomes to funders.
- Improve programming and care decisions.
- Create customized dashboards for different programs and roles within your organization.
If you’d like to learn more about EHR data and our powerful Exym Analytics module, click here. You can also visit our Operations Page to see how Exym is helping agencies like yours revolutionize their operation management using EHR data to make informed decisions.
Exym is a comprehensive EHR software solution designed specifically for behavioral health agencies. Trusted for 20+ years, our intuitive and customizable software empowers providers to improve client outcomes, manage revenue cycles, and increase agency efficiency. Exym allows you to spend more time on what matters most- the clients in your care.
Book a demo today!
May 30, 2023